Photo Editors To The Rescue

Now that I’m back to work I have less time to devote to photography. I’m still studying Photoshop and learning new things with my free time. On an recent outing I made a real rookie mistake. I had been messing around with my camera settings on a previous shoot to try some experimental stuff. I had left the camera with these settings and took about 30 photos before catching that all the photos where underexposed. Lesson learned… check the settings and review photos on the cameras screen before taking a bunch that won’t turn out.

This is from that set of photos that were under exposed. I used a photo editing software called luminar 4 to try and save this image. This software has a magic sky replacement option, so I chose one of the preset ones. I then had to add a bunch of contrast etc. to get the sign and grasses to come out. Unfortunately it also made the photo pretty grainy. I’m satisfied with how this turned out though.
I’m trying to take landscapes from lower levels as well as eye level. This gives me two perspectives to choose from. I’m trying to get a bunch of generic landscapes for backgrounds to use when making composites.
I just really like reflections.
The sun was setting on the right half of this building. I really like the subtle glow on one side and subtle fading on the other.
For future projects I have decided I need lots of pictures of doors and windows.
Again with reflections, I really pushed the saturation over the top here but that was the look I was going for.
I have been tasked with doing social media at work so I have included a few of the photos I have been doing there. This was done with my 360 camera. I have posted about this in the past, check out my previous blog posts if you are curious how this is done. Unfortunately the sun blew out the left corner.
A sunset along the river, at least I have a good view while I’m at work.
This was a night shot during the last full moon. It was taken right after we closed for the night. It’s really hard to get a good photo of the moon because it is so bright, to expose for it everything else would be underexposed. I liked how this turned out though.

Back To Work

I’ve headed back to work. This means less time to devote to photography. I’m not going to lie working in a restaurant during the Covid-19 epidemic is strange. The restaurant has given me the opportunity to use my photography to post for their social media though. It doesn’t hurt to pad my hours as well! I guess I need to start studying food and product photography. I included a video I did for them at the end of this blog.

I’ve recently started some online photography courses. I’ve finally broke down and subscribed to photoshop after two years of avoidance. All the instructors use photoshop and it’s hard to follow along without it. I’m just now learning the basic in the tutorials section. I will probably continue to use all of the other resources I’ve learned as well though.

I’ve also started posting my pictures on my Instagram account. Feel free to follow me, my tag is In8ape.

I liked this angle. I wanted a dreamy mystical feel. I pushed the blur and added an over the top lens flair to get this.
This one was an assignment for me I wanted to see if I could make a box and throw a shadow onto it.
Back to the basics. Cracked egg can make the best black and white.
This is an older image. I was experimenting with the reflection option.
I used free stock images for the background and the picture of the dunes. I’m really happy how this turned out.
This is a throwback from my previous post I was still fiddling with the apple picture.
The Nikon picture wasn’t very clear, I will have to recreate this someday but I liked the idea.
My friends Hunter and Brian helped me create this. I was inspired by Jordi Koalitic. You definitely should look up his work. I didn’t take my time while shooting this photo, there are a few things I would do differently next time. I do feel through editing magic I came up with a convincing picture however.